GALI releases one major publication each spring focused on the impact of acceleration on early-stage ventures. The team also produces shorter reports and data summaries throughout the year. In addition to our own research, we actively encourage others to publish original research using this data. You can request the full data set here.
Winning Submission
May 2018
The 2017 GALI Student Data Competition invited undergraduate and graduate students from around the world to answer a key question for the field of entrepreneurship:
"In our dataset of applicants to accelerator programs, what types of ventures (and entrepreneurs) are more or less likely to have received investment? Do different types of early-stage ventures attract investment from different sources?"
Congratulations to the winning team: Nishant Gupta, Piyush Keshri, and Hongye Mai from the University of Pennsylvania. Read their submission detailing their analysis and take-aways for the field.